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Results for "human rights"
Antenatal Care - Treatment
Antiretroviral treatment (ART) for women living with HIV is vital to ensuring safe motherhood and reducing vertical transmission. But not all pregnant women access treatment. For women in high-income countries where access to triple therapy during pregnancy has been the standard of care and is near universal, rates of vertical HIV transmission are as low as 0.4%, for example, in Canada (Forbes ...
Meeting the Sexual and Reproductive Health Needs of Women Living With HIV
Given that most HIV transmission occurs through sexual intercourse, it is critical to include a sexual and reproductive health lens in HIV programming. In fact, several European governments have recently revised their international policies, recognizing that HIV/AIDS is a sexual and reproductive health issue (Germain et al., 2009).
All women have the right to decide freely and responsibly on t...
Reducing Stigma and Discrimination
"...Three decades into the epidemic, stigmatization remains a core feature of the patient experience of HIV/AIDS" (Gilbert and Walker, 2010: 144). Or as one woman living with HIV in Thailand put it: "It does not matter how many thousand people have HIV/AIDS... I would say that only zero percent will accept people living with HIV/AIDS" (Liamputtong et al., 2009: 865). Stigma and discrimination h...
Sex and HIV education with certain characteristics (see introduction) prior to the onset of sexual activity may be effective in preventing transmission of HIV by increasing age at first sex and, for those who are sexually active, increasing condom use, testing, and reducing the number of sexual partners.
Mitigating Risk
17 studies
Bahama, adolescents, behavior change, condom use, contraception, low- and middle-income countries, pregnancy, seroconversion, sex behavior, sex education, sexual partners, testing
Africa, Brazil, Kenya, Mexico, South Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, Tanzania, Thailand, United States
Prevention for Women
In this era of great strides forward in treatment, it is important not to lose sight of the continued need to undertake a range of interventions to prevent HIV transmission. An estimated 2.7 million people newly acquired HIV infection in 2010, as they did for each of the years 2009, 2008 and 2007, down from 3.1 million people in 2002 (WHO et al., 2011b). However, even with all this encouraging ...
Women Who Use Drugs and Female Partners of Men Who Use Drugs
Despite injecting drug use being a main driver of the HIV epidemic in many parts of the world, evaluated tailored responses for women who use drugs or for female sexual partners of men who use drugs have not matched the needs of this population. Injecting drug use is globally widespread and the main driver of the HIV epidemic in some parts of the world. Approximately 16 million people in 148 co...